Rock Rimmon

10 04 2009

 NH - Manchester - Rock Rimmon

  • Location: Manchester, NH
  • Owner: City of Manchester
  • Highlights: A quick walk to a panoramic view of downtown and western Manchester; also good views to the Uncanoonuc mountains; the only downside is a lot of broken glass 
  • Directions (from Boston): 56 miles, 1 hour 2 minutes
  • Park in the lot between the two baseball diamonds.
  • The Trail: 0.58 miles, round trip
    1. From the parking lot, the unmarked trail enters the woods next to the baseball diamond to the left when facing the woods.
    2. Follow the white-blazed trail gradually uphill until quickly reaching an open dirt area with a fire pit in the middle and lots of ATV tracks.
    3. Walk directly across the dirt area and re-enter the woods on the left on an unblazed trail.
    4. Follow this for another brief distance (crossing a pool of water that probably only exists in the spring) until reaching the rocky ledge.
    5. To return to the parking lot, follow the same route.
  • There is no trail map but once you find the trailhead it is not difficult to get lost.